Welcome, I just broke up!

By Miss Mabel - November 20, 2020

Welcome, I just broke up...

I started writing this blog post one day after Women's Entrepreneurship Day and exactly one moment after I broke up. I haven't felt brave enough to publish it yet. 

I broke up. I broke up with feeling captivated in a situation I had never really wanted, I broke up with missing my freedom, I broke up with not feeling understood, I broke up with hurting the people I love deeply because they are so much more important to me, I broke up with ruining my physical and mental health and I broke up with trying to become a person I am not: A materialistic girl.

I felt trapped when all I wanted was peace. For the first time in my life I've broken up. And it feels good. I feel free. This is the end of all the judgement, the pushing and pulling, the feeling of constant guilt. This is the end of feeling constantly torn in pieces like a living doll. This is the end of always being unsatisfied with my life. This is the end of feeling useless. I chose freedom. I chose to become a better person.

Do you have relationship problems? 

Have you been treated unfairly? 

Have you hurt a loved one and deeply regret it? 

We all make mistakes in life. The trick is to notice it in time.

Are you in a situation you think you can't get out alone? 

Are you worried about your mental health? 

Don't be afraid to step up and talk about it. Get into the spotlight, get on stage, go out there. There are people who can and want to help you.

Do you you just need some peace of mind and calmness? Do you need to just sit for a moment and calm down? Do you feel like all the others are screaming too loud or constantly hating on you? Do you need a quiet space? Please feel welcome here. 

I believe we all are entrepreneurs. We are entrepreneurs of our own lives and we can all create whatever we want! And we are also the heroes of our own lives!

I started this blog because I want to show women that they are not alone out there. That they can get out of a bad situation. That it's not their fault. That they can accomplish anything if they just leave the negativity behind and do what they truly want. That they're loved. That they are their own person. That they're free. That they can be their own boss. I want to create awareness and I also want help you improve yourself while taking care of your mental health. Self care is so important.

I am a dancer. Some people have looked down on my for that, it's not a real job and I can do better. Fact is, I've never been happier in my life. Ever. I am so fed up with the audacity and hypocrisy that some men have when they think they can "save me", make me dependent on them just because they have money. I don't need that. Why do some of them not understand that we are our own person and that we can take care of ourselves? I've been controlled and manipulated and I got out of it. I've been raped and I am okay to say it. I think girls and women are silenced way too much! You have the right to tell your story without being judged.

Girls, stand with yourselves! Don't be scared to talk about it. Don't hold back. Voice your opinion. Be proud of who you are, no matter who you are, no matter where you are and where you are from. No matter what happened to you or what point you are at in your life. You have the right to be you, truly you. And be ready to work for it.

I couldn't live like an accessory anymore, I was tired of always being someone's shadow. I was tired of feeling useless, so useless that I thought it didn't make a difference if I'd never been born. I was tired of feeling torn and not like myself anymore. Today, I didn't break up with someone. I came back to ME.

Welcome to my journey!

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